Saturday, August 9, 2014

APP OF THE WEEK: Max's Plate

So, as part of this blog I really want to introduce others to some of the apps that I come across and find useful or relevant to what I do as a school nurse or nurse educator. With that in mind, I’m going to present an “app of the week” along with some questionnaires to see how you liked the app. So, enjoy….

APP OF THE WEEK: Max's Plate

Name: Max’s Plate
Cost: Free
App market: iOS
Link to the itunes store app website: Max’s Plate
            This app is great for elementary aged children who are learning food groups. The app presents the “My-plate” concept and shows a type of food and asks the player to sort the food into “fruit”, “grain”, “veggie”, “protein”, or “dairy”. I have personally found this app useful as a school nurse doing health education during health assessments. I like for the children to play the app with the kids and I have found that they really enjoy and catch on to the game quickly….and without even realizing it they are learning that broccoli is a vegetable, and bread is a grain! The downside of the app is that is doesn’t cover portions, and the food pictures themselves are sometimes a little difficult to discern (ex. is that a bread stick or string cheese?). Overall though, the app is great fun for kids and an awesome way to teach food groups with a short amount of time.

Tell me what you think in the comments….
1.     How do you think you could use this app in your job (explain…are you a teacher, nurse, parent?)
2.     What did you find as the strong points of the app?
3.     What did you find were the weaknesses of the app?

4.     How often do you think you’d use this app?

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