
PROJECT Example 1

Anaphylaxis Learning Module with Drawing Exercise Using Ipad and Paper53 app.

Overview of “Recognizing & Managing Anaphylaxis” Learning Module

            This learning module introduces the health staff, paraeducators, teachers and other staff that care for children with severe allergies to the symptoms of anaphylaxis and protocol leading up to giving an epinephrine auto-injector. The school staff (hereon referred to as students) will be asked to view the Learning Objectives and Student Outcomes, a Prezi presentation, and the “Anaphylaxis: Tips to Remember” brochure from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAI) (2013). The students will then be asked to take a short online quiz on Anaphylaxis provided by the AAAI, and participate in a group drawing exercise based on the Module presentation, text, and online quiz.

Drawing Exercise:  In small groups, students will be assigned to answer one of the following questions through drawings using an iPad, or smart phone app (ex. Paper 53, My Sketch Paper):
  1. What are possible food triggers of anaphylaxis?
  2. What are possible triggers of anaphylaxis (other than food)?
  3. What are signs & symptoms of anaphylaxis?
  4. What are the most dangerous symptoms of anaphylaxis?
  5. What are the steps to giving an EpiPen?

Suggested drawing apps that can be used for “Drawing Exercise"
*Students are not limited to these apps. If student has an app preference or if app unavailable on their device, student may choose something else.

Drawing Exercise EBP:

Students will then share drawings with class, and email picture to instructor for participation points (if being graded).
Evaluation: Students will then be asked to fill out an Evaluation Form to discuss whether or not the objectives of the learning module were met.
Texts and Materials:
-Access to internet (for Prezi & Online Quiz)
-iPad or smartphone
-Paper 53 (free), My Sketch Paper (free), or other drawing app that student would like to use.

Assigned Readings     

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